Equipment: intelliflo screen, Intelliflo status and intelliflo controls screen – Pentair Intellitouch ScreenLogic User Manual

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IntelliTouch ScreenLogic User’s Guide

Equipment: IntelliFlo Screen

From this screen you can view the current IntelliFlo pump error conditions, start or stop the IntelliFlo pump, and
adjust the GPM for each pump circuit. The pump’s power usage, RPM (IntelliFlo 4x160), and GPM (IntelliFlo)
status are also displayed.

IntelliFlo Status and IntelliFlo Controls Screen

To access the IntelliFlo status and controls screen:

1. From the main ScreenLogic screen, tap the Equipment and IntelliFlo #1 Pool tab. The IntelliFlo screen


Status: Shows the current pump operating condition. If an alarm is detected while the pump is operating,
the alarm message is displayed in yellow in the “Status” panel. For IntelliFlo alarm message descriptions,
see “IntelliFlo Alerts and Warnings” on page 93. For IntelliFlo 4x160 alarm message descriptions, see
“IntelliFlo 4x160 Alarms and Warnings” on page 94.

Flow Rate Settings/Buttons: Displays the assigned pump circuits on and off buttons. These circuits are
configured in the “Configurator” utility (Step 2 of 5 and 4 of 5), see pages 35 and 49. Tap the button to
activate the pump circuit at the specified displayed GPM. The button will then display in yellow indicating
the pump is active. Multiple pump circuit buttons can be active at the same time. For example, if you
activate the fountain pump to run at 80 GPM, then tap the waterfall button which is set to 120 GPM, both
buttons will display in yellow at the same time. Without stopping, the pump will ramp up from 80 to 120
GPM until it reaches 120 GPM. If you then tap the waterfall button to deactivate the circuit (button not
displayed in yellow), the pump will ramp the GPM down to the previously set 80 GPM.

GPM display and Up/Down button: Displays the current gallons per minute (GPM) for the selected
pump circuit as configured in the “Configurator” utility (Step 2 of 5 and 4 of 5), see pages 35 and 49. Tap
the Up button to increase the GPM. Tap the Down button to decrease the GPM. The Power Usage
(Watts), RPM, and Flow (GPM) indicators display the current status while the pump is operating. If the
pump is operating and you use these buttons to increase or decrease the pump’s GPM flow rate, the
pump will stop for approximately 10 seconds then start up again and run at the requested GPM setting.