Philips ISP1362 User Manual
Page 27

Philips Semiconductors
ISP1362 Linux Stack User’s Guide
© Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2003. All rights reserved.
User’s Guide
Rev. 1.2—July 2003
27 of 34
2. #./otgcmd
This command will mount the local and connected OTG mass storage disks to the specified mount points
and the disks are ready for use.
To disconnect the OTG mass storage device, follow these steps:
1. #./otgcmd
This command will unmount the already mounted local and connected OTG mass storage disks.
2. #./otgcmd
This command will bring the OTG mass storage device to idle state.
To get the status of the OTG mass storage device at any time, use the following command:
#./otgcmd status
This command will print the current state of the OTG device, the mount status of the local and remote
connected OTG device.
In case of VBUS error, you can clear the status using:
#./otgcmd error
This will clear the error condition on the USB bus
The following pictures shows snapshots of Accelent target screen during operation.
Figure 4-8 OTG B device accessing remote OTG mass storage device files