Pfaff 4 User Manual
Page 3

creative 4.0
Start/Stop - Sew without the foot ControL
makes sewing long seams, free-motion,
and embroidery easy.
Sew with embroidery unit on
Eliminates the need to remove embroidery unit when sewing.
StitCh Creator
Create your own new individual stitches directly on the PFAFF
HD screen. You can also edit the built in stitches for unlimited creativity.
eLeCtroniC thread tenSion
Needle thread tension is set electronically for different stitches,
techniques and embroideries – makes sewing simple.
StitCh poSitioning
Moves complete stitch right or left to align decorative stitches.
automatiC preSSer foot Lift
Raises the presser foot to pivot position automatically when
the needle is set to stop down. The presser foot lifts at the end of a seam after a thread snip.
adJuStabLe preSSer foot preSSure
For specialty fabrics and techniques.
extra preSSer foot Lift
Raises the presser foot to its highest position so that thick fabrics
can be placed easily under the presser foot.
tapering on aLL 9 mm deCorative StitCheS
Gradually increase or decrease the stitch width at
the beginning and/or at the end. Choose from 18 different angles for more creative opportunities.
patChwork program
Sew your seam and the creative
4.0 sewing and embroidery machine will
remember the seam length to repeat over and over. Use with utility or decorative stitches for special effects.
SingLe StitCh program
Set the exact number of stitches or sequences you wish to
sew with automatic stopping.
Combine tapering with either patChwork program or SingLe StitCh program
Repeat the tapered seam with the same look and length over and over again, giving more creative
freedom. The PFAFF
HD screen also shows what the taper looks like with the selected stitch.
two free-motion modeS
Choose between Sensormatic or Spring foot free-motion mode
for best results with various techniques and fabrics.
automatiC feed dog drop
lowers the feed dogs for special techniques and embroidery.
program SeQuenCing CommandS
Program Stop, Thread Snips and/or Tie-off into a stitch
sequence. Your sequence does exactly what you want every time.
SenSormatiC buttonhoLe
Makes beautiful repeatable buttonholes on any fabric.
twin needLe program
Automatically adjusts the stitch width to prevent needle breakage.
See the stitch as it will sew on the PFAFF
HD screen.
StitCh reStart
Instantly returns to the beginning of your selected stitch, sequence or embroidery.