Sewing features – Pfaff 4 User Manual

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creative 4.0

baSting in the hoop

Baste fabric to a stabilizer that is already hooped. Great for knit fabrics or

other fabrics that you do not wish to hoop.

Zoom in / Zoom out

For exact placement of designs, stitch points etc.

embroidery grid

Makes customizing on the PFAFF


HD screen simple and precise.

hoop poSitionS

Touch the icon to position the hoop to change the bobbin, trim around an

appliqué or to go to the center of the design.

more than 100 fantaStiC embroidery deSignS

created by fashion designers for the




4.0 sewing and embroidery machine are included.

2 buiLt-in embroidery fontS

3 different sizes with scaling possibilities in upper case,

lower case plus numbers and symbols.

embroidery hoopS inCLuded


120 Square Hoop (120 x 120),


ELITE Hoop (260 x 200). Quick release on all hoops makes re-hooping simple.

make the embroidery area even Larger

With the optional embroidery unit the


4.0 sewing and embroidery machine features the largest embroidery area

in the home sewing industry - up to 360 x 350 mm for your unique, personal creations.

uSb portS




4.0 sewing and embroidery machine is equipped with two

USB ports (host and device).

uSb ConneCtion

Transfer embroidery designs between your creative

4.0 sewing and embroidery

machine and your computer with the USB embroidery stick or USB cable for unlimited memory.

Creative 4d™ QuiCkfont inCLuded

Use your computer and 4D™ QuickFont to change

TrueType fonts into embroidery fonts.

Creative 4d™ organiZer

A program for your computer to organize your design files in your

computer, turn designs into an image file, print catalogues and more.

Sewing features

Large Sewing SpaCe

The sewing area to the right of the needle is super-sized for sewing large

projects – 10" to the right of the needle.

the originaL idt™ SyStem

Integrated Dual Feed only from PFAFF


for over 40 years!

Absolutely even fabric feed from both the top and the bottom. IDT™ system works with any stitch

forward or reverse at any stitch length or width. The original IDT™ system from PFAFF


is built right

into the machine. It can be easily engaged or disengaged as needed. Many PFAFF



and presser feet can be used with IDT™ system to ensure even seams with any stitch on any fabric.

beautifuL 9 mm high QuaLity StitCheS

Select from a wide variety of beautiful high quality

stitches - over 300. Including utility stitches, buttonholes, 9 mm wide decorative stitches, quilt stitches,

cross stitches and hemstitches.

This manual is related to the following products: