Pioneer DataMan2 DVD-V7400 User Manual
Page 18

Operating Instructions
Pressing the Blackboard’s Display data button (column on right) causes the
Blackboard Data window to open.
This versatile area of DataMan2 supports blackboard editing and additions. The
available actions are as follows:
• Edit Box – to add or delete text data on the blackboard
• Open Fig-Data-Display – to reveal existing data without edit options
• Refresh Board – to re-draw the graphic and/or text
• Group No. – the group number associated with the current display
• Unit No. – provides a quantity for the number of units out of the total units (# / #)
The buttons to the right of this field allow scrolling through the available units with
Draw showing the current unit.
• Data No. – shows the number of the data out of the total quantity of data (# / #)
The buttons to the right of this field allow scrolling through the available data
objects with Draw showing the current data object.
To work with existing blackboard data, follow the directions below.
1. Select the group number.
2. Click on Draw to reveal the first unit or object.
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