Life Fitness 95Re User Manual
Page 44

This configuration allows for a custom message to be displayed across the Welcome Screen.
Creating/Changing a Custom Message — After entering the Manager’s Configuration, check to
make sure that Custom Message is enabled, then select CUSTOM MESSAGE SETUP. Upon
entering the setup screen, a message can be entered using the on-screen keyboard. Use the
Shift button to input special characters and capital letters. The message will scroll across the top
of the screen as the message is being inputted giving real-time feedback.
Accepting a Custom Message — To accept the Custom Message, simply select the MAIN MENU
Erasing a Custom Message — To erase a Custom Message, enter the CUSTOM MESSAGE
SETUP screen. Select CLEAR MESSAGE and then MAIN MENU.
To enable the User Language option, select the User Language button to enter the User Language
Setup screen. Toggle the mode from disabled to enabled. Choose the languages to be available for
user interaction.
After touching the Welcome Screen to begin, the User Language Selection screen will appear request-
ing the user to choose a language or select Quick Start to begin a workout. Selecting a language is
not necessary to begin a workout. Simply press the Quick Start key to start a workout. The unit will
return to the Welcome Screen if a language or Quick Start is not selected within the default program
timeout period.
The following languages are available:
English, German, French, Italian, Japanese, Dutch, Spanish, and Portugese.
Marathon Mode has no preset or setable goal. It allows the user to workout indefinitely. If enabled, a
workout in Marathon Mode ends only if the user chooses to end it.
Brings up the custom workout configuration screen, which is used to edit any of the 6 custom workouts
and to name the custom workout. Select the custom workout name to change the name of the custom
workout. Select from two types of custom workouts: Level or Target Heart Rate. Level is selected if
you want the workout level to change during the custom workout. The Target Heart Rate is selected if
you want your Target Heart Rate goal to change during the custom workout. Select the workout time
goal (total workout time) for your custom workout. Use the arrow keys at the right-hand side of the
screen to change the value of the item (level or target heart rate percentage) for the given segment.
The number of intervals is always 30. for Level workouts, the length of each interval equals the select-
ed duration divided by 30. For Target Heart Rate workouts, you can have up to 30 different target
heart rate goals. Once you reach the current segment's target heart rate goal the workout will activate
the next segment's target heart rate goal.
For Level workouts, each interval is identified by the time at which it occurs during the workout. For
target heart rate workouts, each interval is identified by a number (1 - 30). If Level is selected, a graph
shows up displaying each interval. For Target Heart Rate workout one graph shows up displaying each
interval. To change intervals use the arrow keys under the word Interval.
You can save your custom workout after editing by pressing the OK button. Press the Cancel button if
you do not want to save the custom workout. Press the Clear Workout button to erase the custom