Lowrance electronic LMS-160 User Manual
Page 35

Using either GDM or MapCreate software, you may transfer maps of your
choice to your GPS Unit. The following instructions are for the GDM soft-
1. Click on the MapSelect Tab.
2. Select a map by clicking on the desired database button (IMS Smart-
Map, IMS WorldMap, or Coastal Navaids). A map appears on the screen.
Click the desired area that you want to download to the GPS unit.
3. Select a memory partition by clicking on Memory Partition 1 or 2.
(Note: Any data already present in a selected memory partition will be
overwritten. When transferring map data larger than 1 megabyte, both
memory partitions are automatically selected.)
4. Click the Transfer Map Data Button.
A status bar appears on both the PC and the GPS unit’s screen. When
the bar disappears, the transfer is complete. You’ll be able to see the dif-
ference when the unit is zoomed in to ranges of ten miles or less.
The windows feature provides ten different data screens chosen for their
broad range of navigation information and ease of use.
To use the windows feature, press the PAGES
key, then highlight the “GROUP A” label at the
bottom of the screen. Group A is visible in the
background when you switch to the windows
group. Press the left or right arrow key to switch
between all off the groups. When the desired
group appears, press the EXIT key to erase the
Pages menu. A summary of the groups follows.
Note that many of the groups have navigation
data that require navigation to a waypoint in order to show data. See the
waypoint section for information on setting up the unit for waypoint navi-
Group A
This screen has two maps. Each map works
separately from the other. For example, the left
map has a 4 mile range, while the right one is
zoomed in to one mile. To zoom in or out on the
bottom map, simply press the ZIN or ZOUT keys.
The main menu also has selections for the upper
map and lower map setups.