Enable enhanced password, Disable port 77f0 (hex), Defaults – Lantronix Device Server MSS 485 User Manual

Page 66: Exit configuration mode, 10 enable enhanced password -44, 11 disable port 77f0 (hex) -44, 18 defaults -44, 19 exit configuration mode -44, 18 defaults, 19 exit configuration mode

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Device Installer

Generally, one of two situations applies:

Encrypted NET485-to-NET485 communication. Be sure to configure both NET485 devices

with the same encryption key.

Third-party application to NET485-encrypted communication: NET485 uses standard AES

encryption protocols. To communicate successfully, products and applications on the peer
side must use the same protocols and the same encryption key as the NET485.

Lantronix Secure Com Port Redirector provides an encrypted connection from Windows-based

applications to the NET


. Information about SCPR is at

Note: Developers can license the Lantronix Encryption Library Suite. See


3.17.10 Enable Enhanced Password

This setting defaults to the N (option), which allows you to set a 4-character password that protects the
Configuration Menu via Telnet and Web pages. The Y (Yes) option allows you to set an extended security
password of 16-characters for protecting Telnet and web page access.

3.17.11 Disable Port 77F0 (Hex)

Port 77F0 is a setting that allows a custom application to query or set the three NET485 configurable pins
when they are functioning as general purpose I/O (GPIO). You may want to disable this capability for
security purposes. The default setting is the N (No) option, which enables GPIO control. The Y (Yes) option
disables the GPIO control interface.

Note: The function of the configurable pins on the NET485 should be changed with caution. Some of the configurable
pins are not connected or used for other functions.

3.18 Defaults

Select 7 to reset the unit’s Channel 1 configuration, E-mail settings, and Expert settings to the default
settings. The server configurations (IP address information) remain unchanged. The configurable pins’
settings also remain unchanged.

3.19 Exit Configuration Mode

• Select 8 to exit the configuration mode without saving any changes or rebooting.

• Select 9 to save all changes and reboot the device. All values are stored in nonvolatile memory.


NET485 User Guide