Lowrance electronic AirMap 600c User Manual
Page 32

which satellites are obstructed by obstacles in your immediate area if
you hold the unit facing north.
The GPS receiver is tracking satellites that are in blue type. The re-
ceiver hasn't locked onto a satellite if the number is in dark blue, there-
fore it isn't being used to solve the position.
Beneath the circular graph are the bar graphs, one for each satellite in
view. Since the unit has twelve channels, it can dedicate one channel
per visible satellite. The taller the bar on the graph, the better the unit
is receiving the signals from the satellite.
The EPE, "Estimated Position Error" (horizontal position error) shown
in the lower right corner of the screen is the expected error from a
benchmark location. In other words, if the EPE shows 50 feet, then the
position shown by the unit is estimated to be within 50 feet of the ac-
tual location. This also gives you an indicator of the fix quality the unit
currently has. The smaller the position error number, the better (and
more accurate) the fix is. If the position error flashes dashes, then the
unit hasn't locked onto the satellites, and the number shown isn't valid.
The Satellite Status Page has its own menu, which is used for setting
various options. (Options and setup are discussed in Sec. 5.) To access
the Satellite Status Page Menu, from the Status Page, press
Navigation Page
To get to the Navigation Page: press
then either → or ← to se-
lect the page. (Clear the Pages Menu by pressing
The Navigation Page has its own menu, which is used for setting vari-
ous options. (Options and setup are discussed in Sec. 5.) To access the
Navigation Page Menu, from the Navigation Page, press
The data boxes on the Aviation Map and HSI Map can be fully custom-
ized. You can select from 28 types of navigation information. For customi-
zation instructions see the Customize Page Displays topic in Sec. 5, Sys-
tem and GPS Setup Options.
The HSI Map combines the main compass display in one window with a
map display in another window, plus four data boxes. An amazing
amount of information is crammed into this one display. We'll discuss
how to move between the two windows at the end of this segment.