Wireless security - wpa1/2-psk, Data - wpa1/2-psk screen – LevelOne NetCon WBR-3408 User Manual

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and A~F).


• Use the radio buttons to select the default key.
• Enter the key value you wish to use. Other stations must

have the same key values.

• Keys must be entered in Hex. Hex characters are the digits

(0 ~ 9) and the letters A ~ F.


Enter a word or group of printable characters in the Passphrase
box and click the "Generate " button to automatically configure
the WEP Key(s). If encryption strength is set to 64 bit, then each
of the four key fields will be populated with key values. If encryp-
tion strength is set to 128 bit, then only the selected WEP key
field will be given a key value.

Wireless Security - WPA1/2-PSK

If "WPA1/2-PSK" is selected, the screen will look like the following example.

Figure 9: WPA1/2-PSK Screen

Data - WPA1/2-PSK screen


Select the desired option:
WPA-PSK: Like WEP, data is encrypted before trans-

mission. WPA is more secure than WEP, and should be
used if possible.

WPA2-PSK: This is a further development of WPA-PSK,

and offers even greater security.

WPA-PSK+WPA2-PSK: This method, sometimes called

"Mixed Mode", allows clients to use EITHER WPA-PSK


Enter the Network key value. Data is encrypted using a key
derived from the network key. Other Wireless Stations must
use the same network key. The PSK must be from 8 to 63
characters in length.

Key Lifetime

This determines how often the encryption key is changed.
Enter the desired value.