Life Fitness 93SI User Manual
Page 13

The functions for the keys and display windows on the Life Fitness Stairclimber console are list-
ed and described in this section. See Section 4, titled The Workouts, for detailed information on
using the console to set up workouts.
A START: Press this key to activate the console for programming a new workout. The activated
console lights up and displays SELECT WORKOUT USING ARROW KEYS OR PRESS
QUICK START. If no key is pressed, the console shuts down again.
NOTE: The Life Fitness Stairclimber’s AutoStart feature activates the console when the user
stands on the pedals and begins stepping.
B ENTER: Press this key after entering each value, such as weight or workout time, when
prompted by console display messages.
C ARROW keys: Use the UP and DOWN ARROW keys to change workout parameters
displayed on the console, such as length of workout, weight, age, target heart rate, and
intensity level. On the 93Si model, pressing these keys during a FAT BURN or CARDIO
workout increases or decreases the target heart rate.
D QUICK START: Press this key to begin a manual workout immediately, without having to
select a workout. Once the workout is in progress, use the ARROW KEYS to change the
intensity level or workout duration as desired.
PAUSE: Press this key to pause a workout in progress. Press it again and resume climbing
to continue the workout.The workout can be paused for a maximum duration of 60 seconds.
During that time, it is possible to step off and back on without stopping the workout.
However, after 60 seconds elapse, the console automatically shuts down.
CLEAR: Press this key, when programming a workout, to clear incorrect data, such as
weight or age, before pressing the ENTER key. Pressing CLEAR during a workout stops it
immediately, at which point, the MESSAGE CENTER displays information about the work-
out, such as total time elapsed, total calories burned, and total floors climbed. Pressing
CLEAR a second time causes the MESSAGE CENTER to prompt the user for a new work-
out setup.
G DISPLAY LOCK: During a workout, the MESSAGE CENTER alternately displays the number
of CALORIES burned and the amount of TIME elapsed. Pressing the DISPLAY LOCK key
when the MESSAGE CENTER displays either statistic, forces the MESSAGE CENTER to
display that statistic continuously throughout the workout. Pressing DISPLAY LOCK again
allows the MESSAGE CENTER to resume toggling between both statistics.