Lyngdorf Audio RoomPerfect RP-1 User Manual

Page 24

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‘Add more room meas.? Yes/No’ will show in the display:

• choose Yes to add another room measurement or,

• choose No to stop adding more room measurements. If No is chosen the RP-1 is will return to full

scale output.

‘Save room measurement(s)? Yes/No’ will hereafter be shown.

• choose Yes to save the performed room measurement,

• and No to exit without saving any of the performed measurements.

Adding one or more room measurements leads to a re-calculation of both fi lters (i.e. Global and Focus

fi lters) due to the fact that more of room’s acoustic properties have been learned, something that affects

these fi lters.

When adding room measurements, make sure the system volume is the same for

all measurements. Whether adding more room measurements now or later.

If you can´t remember the volume setting, we recommend to delete the fi lter and

start over.


The RoomKnowledge index is a parameter that tells how much of the room’s acoustical properties have

been learned. A high RoomKnowledge ( 90%) means that most of the room’s acoustical properties have

been learned. The more room measurements you add, the higher the RoomKnowledge will become.

The more that the acoustical properties of the room are learned, the greater the accuracy of the room



The RoomCorrection index is a measure of how much processing is being employed in the room correc-

tion fi lter. To some extent the RoomCorrection index refl ects how audible the correction is. However, the

same amount of processing can sound very different due to placement in frequency of the processing.

For low values (below 10%) of the room correction index, only subtle correction is needed to the original

sound in the room. With high room correction index values more extensive processing is employed.