2 starting up – Lindy 39401 User Manual
Page 15

LINDY CPU IP Access Switch
User Manual
3.2 Starting Up
Run the program either by double clicking its icon, or by typing the path to CN6kAdminTool_x_x_xxxLindy.exe
on the command line. If this is the first time that you are running the utility a dialog box appears requesting you to
input your serial number. The serial number can be found printed on the CD-ROM. Key in the serial number - 5
characters per box - then Click OK.
The Administrator Utility attempts to find all the CPU IP ACCESS SWITCH devices installed on the local LAN
segment. When it has finished searching, it displays a device selection window similar to the one below:
CPU IP ACCESS SWITCH devices on the local LAN segment found by the Administrator Utility are displayed in the
large central listbox.
• If the unit you wish to configure appears in the listbox, double click it.
• If the unit you want doesn’t appear in the listbox, key in its IP address in the CPU IP ACCESS SWITCH
address field, and its Port number in the Port box, then Click Login.
1. The Port number that corresponds to a unit’s IP address is set by the Administrator on the Network
configuration page (see p. 15 for details).
2. Clicking
Refresh button causes the utility to rescan the local LAN segment for CPU IP
3. If the utility fails to connect to a unit that you specified, it assigns another free IP address (if one
exists), to that device and attempts to connect again.
4. When the Administrator Utility searches for CPU IP ACCESS SWITCH devices, if it finds them in
different network segments (one at 10.0.0.xxx, and another at 216.0.0.xxx, for example), it will
attempt to substitute a dynamic IP address (, for example).