Logicube Omniclone Xi User Manual
Page 62

Also check and make sure that the first partition selected for cloning on the Master drive consists
of a bootable operating system. It is possible to select a data-only partition to be cloned.
However, if it becomes the first partition on the Target, a PC will not consider that drive to be a
valid boot drive.
Finally, scan and check the Master drive for possible problems using a hard drive utility such as
Window’s Scandisk or Chkdsk. Some problems may not show up with casual booting of the
Master, but things such as cross-linked clusters can cause serious cloning errors.
Q: All but the first partition is missing from the Target drive. How did that happen?
A: This is usually the result of having the wrong CHS translation mode for the Target drive being
used. See Chapter 4: Cloning for information on selecting a CHS mode.
Q: Why do I have un-partitioned free space at the end of my Target drive?
A: This typically occurs when the Master drive has FAT16 partitions only and the Target is much
larger than the Master. FAT16 partitions cannot scale up to more than 2.1GB each. FAT32 and
NTFS partitions do not suffer from this limitation and will always be scaled up to fill the target
This can also happen if Mirror Clone™ is used to clone from a small drive to a larger Target drive.
Q: I receive the error: "Drive error– either the speed setting is too high, or a bad sector was
encountered". What is causing this?
A: This error is typically the result of using slower (older) drives, or using drives that have weak or
bad sectors. Defragmenting the master drive or adjusting the Speed setting to a slower mode can
sometimes resolve this error.
Q: Why do I receive a ''Not Enough Memory'' error when running Scandisk or Defragment on
cloned Windows 9.x systems?
A: This issue only applies to FAT32 partitions. The error occurs because both Scandisk and
Defragment cannot handle the increased number of clusters that exist when Targets larger than 8
GB have been cloned from Master drives smaller than 8 GB.
To prevent the problem from occurring, change the Logicube Omniclone Xi™ default Clever
Clone™ mode to Selective Partitions™. Then select the Defragment copy method for the
partition(s) you wish to clone. This will resize the clusters and reduce their number.
Q: Why does my cloned Windows 2000 or Windows XP partition boot to a blue screen?
A: The CHS mode for cloning needs to be set to LBA-1 or LARGE-1. If one of these was used,
then set the CHS mode to LBA-2 or LARGE-2. You may also need to set the Speed option to a
lower setting.