Learning Resources Dino Math Tracks User Manual
Inside, Ler 0712

LER 0712
rock in the center of the game board.
3. Play passes to the next player on the left.
4. If a player’s dinosaur lands on the same footprint as another
player, the two players have a “Showdown.” Each player
tosses the green number cube. The player with the larger
number wins and moves his/her dinosaur forward that many
Players must first move all dinosaurs according to their rolls
before completing any Showdowns.
5. The first player to get all four dinosaurs to Forgotten Falls wins
the game.
6. When players run out of Problem Solving Cards, shuffle the
pack and place the cards face down again.
Game Variation
To encourage cooperation and teamwork, have all
players solve the problems together.
For added challenge, have players create their own word
and story problems using a dinosaur theme.
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© Learning Resources, Inc., Vernon Hills, IL (U.S.A.)
Learning Resources Ltd., King’s Lynn, Norfolk (U.K.)
Please retain our address for future reference.
Made in China.
Fabriqué en Chine.
Informations à conserver.
Made in China.
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Hecho en China.
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Petites pièces.
Interdit aux enfants en dessous de 3 ans.
Kleine Teile. Nicht geeignet
für Kinder unter 3 Jahren.
No conveniente para niños menores de 3 años por
ser susceptible de producir piezas pequeñas que pueden ser ingeridas.
Three problem solving game variations—
each with a prehistoric twist!
Solutions for Problem Solving Cards
1. 40
10. 375
19. 250
28. 3,003
2. 2,000
11. 500
20. 15
29. 70
3. 2
12. 120
21. 2
30. 90
4. 100
13. 160
22. 44
31. 5
5. 30
14. 410
23. 30
32. 12
6. 15
15. 2,232
24. 30
33. 12
7. 1,123
16. 1,122
25. Triceratops, 2
34. 2
8. 1,000
17. 211
26. Suzy, 11
35. 24
9. 10
18. 1,000
27. Brachiosaurus, 2
36. 8
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