Learning Resources Go to Press LER 0341 User Manual
Introduction how to start, Object of the game, A grammar game alternate activities

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LER 0341
How to Start
1. Separate the cards by color
and place them face up next
to the department that
it matches.
2. Each player chooses a game
piece and places it on
one of the start spaces on
the game board.
3. Each player rolls the die.
The player with the highest
number goes first.
continues to the right.
Object of the Game:
Collect one headline card from
each of the five departments and return to the boss’s office.
A Grammar Game
Alternate Activities
• Play the game again. This time say the letter you think
is correct and the grammar rule. Move forward, only if you get
both the error and the rule correct.
• After finishing the game, take the five headline cards and
write an article for each. Make sure to use the headline
in the article.
You just got a fun and
exciting job as an editor
at your local newspaper!
Your duties are to correct
the errors found in each
department’s headlines. You
will be looking for errors in
grammar, spelling, and verb
tense. Impress your boss, by
being the first to correctly edit
all the errors, make your
very own newspaper edition,
and Go to Press!
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