Land Pride Pallet Forks PF10 User Manual
Page 10

Section 2: Operating Procedures
PF10 & PF20 Pallet Forks 319-033M
Make sure Pallet Forks are fully on, swivel pads are
in good working condition and clamped tight to the
Always know the weight of the load being lifted.
Never lift a load exceeding the maximum lift capacity
of the Pallet Forks and machine, whichever is less.
Maximum lift capacity of the machine should be
approximately 17% less than the rated lift capacity
due to the increased load stresses caused by the
added extension of the Pallet Forks.
Always lower Pallet Forks to ground level before
dismounting from the machine. Follow
manufacturer’s recommendations when dismounting
and parking the machine.
Always store Pallet Forks in a secure position so that
they will not fall over.
Always stack pallets in such a manner that they will
not tip or fall.
Pallet Fork Operation
Picking up a load
Make sure the load does not exceed forklift capacity.
Center forks under the pallet to evenly distribute the
Make sure the load is balanced and secure.
Check for overhead obstructions.
Stop completely before positioning the forks at the
correct height.
Drive into the load as far as possible.
Lift the load slightly and tilt it back.
Back out slowly to clear racks or other obstacles.
Lower load to safe traveling height (two to four inches
above the floor) before moving.
Traveling with a load
Pedestrians always have the right of way.
Keep the load tilted back slightly.
Keep the forks low, two to four inches above the floor,
if possible.
Continually scan all sides for pedestrians or other
If the load is large and blocks your view, travel in
Always drive at a safe speed and slow down when
going around corners. Avoid sudden braking.
Leave enough clearance when turning so the Pallet
Forks and load do not contact obstacles such as
buildings, trees or fences.
When traveling over a ramp or incline, keep the load
on the “uphill” side of the forklift.
If possible, travel straight up and down on grades,
ramps, or inclines and avoid turning.
10. Lift or lower the load only when stopped, never when
Placing a load
Stop in front of desired location.
Slowly raise load to required height.
Move forward slowly with load raised.
Position load for placement, tilting it forward to level.
Place load square and straight.
Before backing, check all sides for pedestrians or
other traffic.
Once the load has settled, back up slowly.
Make sure the forks clear the pallet before turning or
changing fork height.
Lower forks before moving again.
General Operating Instructions
By now you should have familiarized yourself with the
operator’s manual for your PF10 or PF20 Bucket
Mounted Pallet Forks. If you haven’t, please do so now.
Then proceed by getting onto the seat of your tractor or
loader and starting it up. It isn’t going to take you long to
learn how to use your new Land Pride Pallet Forks, but
we do recommend that you take a little time to practice
lifting, lowering, maneuvering, and placing an empty
pallet on a level site just until you gain enough
confidence and skill to develop a good feel for what you
are doing. We can not begin to overstress the importance
of following the safety operating procedures that are
spelled out in the operator’s manual.
As you quickly become more skilled and adept in using
your PF10 or PF20 Pallet forks, you will soon learn that “it
is always more important to focus on the don’ts than it is
to focus on the dos”. For example don’t exceed the lift
capacity of your forks, tractor or loader. Don’t lift your
load too high creating an unstable load and unsafe
situation. Don’t tilt your load too far backwards, setting up
a situation that could cause your load to roll or spill
backwards onto you, the tractor and the operator’s
platform. Don’t drive too fast for your ground and load
conditions. Don’t work on or around slippery or sloped
areas that could cause you to lose control of the tractor or
the load. Don’t allow pedestrians, pets or livestock to
approach the danger zone of your working area. Don’t
leave you tractor or loader with the forks or a load raised
off of the ground.
If you follow these few safety reminders you will find that
you will quickly become very adept, handy and skillful at
using your PF10 and PF20 Land Pride Pallet Forks. See
the Features and Benefits section of this Operator’s
Manual for additional information.