LG 3260 User Manual


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LCD 1080p HDTV

32” Class (31.5” diagonal)

• Full HD 1080p Resolution
• 15,000:1 Dynamic Contrast Ratio
• 4x HDMI

V.1.3 with Deep Color

• Intelligent Sensor
• 24p Real Cinema
• AV Mode (Cinema, Sports, Game)
• Clear Voice
• LG SimpLink


• Invisible Speaker System
• USB 2.0 (JPEG, MP3)
• ISFccc

FuLL HD 1080p ResoLuTion

Displays HDTV programs in full 1920 x 1080p resolution for a more detailed picture.

inTeLLigenT sensoR

Unlike other sensors which can only sense brightness of ambient light, LG’s “Intelligent Sensor” uses 4,096 sensing steps to evaluate its
surroundings. Using a sophisticated algorithm, the LG processes picture quality elements including brightness, contrast, color, sharpness
and white balance. The result is a picture optimized for it’s surroundings, more pleasing to watch and which can also save up to 50% in
power consumption.

24p ReaL Cinema

Hi-def movies run at the 24 frames per second speed that they were originally filmed in, making your home-cinema experience one step
closer to a “Real Cinema” experience.

CLeaR VoiCe TeCHnoLogy

Automatically enhances and amplifies the sound of human voice frequency range to help keep dialogue audible when background noise swells.