LG GDK-20W User Manual
Page 46

Once you have completed the steps described in Site Survey on sub-clause A and determined the
number of base stations you need, you should determine where to install the base stations for optimum
coverage and operation of the GDK-20W DECT.
C. CRS(Cell-Coverage Region Survey) Tool
This section provides general guidelines and examples for determining location of base station in the site.
For more information, see the CRS Tool Manual.
For the easy installation, LGE prepares the portable tools which consist of the base station and the wireless
Figure 3.6.11 Installation Configuration using the CRS Tool
General Guidelines
Place the base stations to maximize direct line of sight between wireless terminals and base station
antennas. Mounting base stations as high as possible will satisfy this guideline.
Place the base stations to minimize obstructions near antennas. If you mount a base station on a wall,
place it higher than the average tall person and do not mount it near doors that could temporarily
obstruct antennas when the door is opened.
Antennas on wall-mounted base stations should be parallel to the wall.
Centralize base stations within the area that you intend to cover.
When rule 1 cannot be observed, place base stations so that signals begin their paths with a clear line
of sight and then bend at the end of their travel to a receiving antenna. It limits the affect of signal
To minimize blocking in high traffic area, install the base stations required to meet the estimated traffic
demand. When multiple base stations are needed in the same location, you may mount base stations
as close as one meter apart (to avoid one obstruction to the other according to the rule 2).
The base stations are designed to use frequencies that are not in use yet, so there is no problem of
interference between base stations that are mounted near each other.