LEICA SL 2 User Manual

Page 17

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Testing the battery

The exposure meter has a 1.35v mercuric
oxide battery as current source. The Mal-
lory PX 625 or equivalent brands such as
Varta Pertrix 7002 can be used. These bat-
teries have an average life of 1-2 years
even when the exposure meter remains
switched on for prolonged periods.
The power of the battery can be tested as
follows: hold the camera as for the hori-
zontal format and look through the view-
finder. Depress the test button (15): the
pointer of the exposure meter must be de-
flected at least as far as the lower semi-
circular marking of the viewfinder field.

Changing the battery
Unscrew the cover (24) on the underside of
the body with a coin. This exposes the
battery, which can now be exchanged.
When inserting the new battery make sure
that the engraved data are on top.

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