LEICA SL 2 User Manual

Page 15

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coincide with the measuring pointer by
rotation of the shutter speed dial (2) of
the camera. The reading for the lens stop
in the viewfinder will be opposite H in
this case.

Measuring in the limiting ranges
The high sensitivity of the exposure
meter of the LEICAFLEX SL 2 permits
precise exposure measurements even in
very poor lighting conditions. To improve
visibility the adjustment display on the
right-hand margin of the viewfinder image
is illuminated with the push-button (8).
The lamp is supplied with current by a
1.35v mercuric oxide battery.

This is a Mallory PX 625 or an equivalent
make. It is located underneath the cover
(21), which is unscrewed when the
battery has to be changed.
With short switching periods of 3 to 4sec
duration the life of the battery is about 10
hours. Viewfinder illumination should
therefore be switched on only when

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