Land Pride Quick Hitch OS15 Series User Manual

Page 2

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Slit Seeding
The optional Slit Seeder Attachment guides
seed into open soil slits. The seed hoses
can be easily switched for broadcast
seeding or slit seeding. In both applications,
the seed is shielded from the wind.

Choice of Knives
(A) Straight, aggressive 3/16” thick knives
prepare the soil by pulling up thatch,
while (B) 10 gauge curved knives provide
a minimum of surface disturbance.


When the optional small seeds box is
used, two seeds can be metered at one
time. The two seeds are metered into
the same seed tube for even distribution.

Clear main seed tubes are used so
obstructions can easily be seen.

The gauge wheel model features
18” turf tread tires which regulate the
seeding depth. The seed cups are driven
off of the right hand gauge wheel, which
is spring loaded to stay in contact with
the ground.

A front full width roller with scraper is available, and is
recommended on rear roller drive units. The front roller
keeps planting depth consistent without relying solely on
the tractor’s 3-point. The seed cups are driven off of the
rear roller, which are always in contact with the ground.

Shown with optional slit-seeder attachment.