Little Wonder 900 User Manual
Page 13

3. Wire brush the exposed threads and remove
the nut from the shaft. Remove washer. Remove
the blade from the shaft.
4. Install the new blade on the shaft and align
with the two guide pins. Replace lock nut each
time or shaft damage will occur.
5. Block blade using vise grips as shown. Tighten
nut to 100 ft. lbs. (13.8 kg/m) torque.
6. Tilt hinged shield into position. Install two bolts
and tighten securely.
The transmission requires no servicing or mainte-
nance. Oil level in the reservoir should be at the
lower reservoir mark when cold and will be at the
upper reservoir mark when hot.
The machine can be towed manually by disengag-
ing the hydrostatic transmission. To tow, move the
lever to the left and over the Hex bolt head to “tow
position” as shown in figure 6-4. To re-engage,
move the lever to the “run postion”.
Gearbox & Differential
The gearbox and differential require no servicing
or maintenance.
Photo 6-3
Safety shield shown open.
Photo 6-4
Little Wonder