Kustom KBA16 User Manual
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1.) CD/Tape Input - this 1/4 3 conductor jack will allow you to plug in a CD player, tape or any other
source to practice along with. It sums the left and right signals into a mono signal and passes it through
to the amplifier section. To control the volume of the source, adjust the output volume of the device.
We suggest you turn the volume all the way down then plug in and adjust the volume according to your
2.) Guitar Input - this is a 1/4 2 conductor input jack for plugging in your instrument. It is intended for
bass guitar or Hi-Z microphones but will accept other instruments as well.
3.) Volume Level - this control is the output volume control for the bass guitar input. Slowly increase
the control to increase the volume. If you are using a bass guitar with an on-board preamp, set its level
for a mid position before increasing this control otherwise distortion may occur.
4.) Low - this control is the bass control. It is active and set to boost or cut frequencies at 100 Hz. This
will effect the low frequency signals. Turning it fully clockwise, the signal is boosted 12 db. Turning it
counterclockwise, the low will be rolled off -12db. Especially good for making low output, thin toned
bass guitars sound fuller.
5.) Lo Mid - this control is the Low Midrange control. It is active and set to boost or cut frequencies
at 500 Hz. This will effect the mid-low frequency signals. Turning it fully clockwise, the signal is boosted
12 db. Turning it counterclockwise, the low-mids will be rolled off -12db. Especially good for cleaning
up muddy bass guitar overtones.
6.) Hi Mid - this control is the High Midrange control. It is active and set to boost or cut frequencies
at 2KHz. This will effect the mid-high frequency signals. Turning it fully clockwise, the signal is boosted
12 db. Turning it counterclockwise, the low-mids will be rolled off -12db. Increasing this will add punch
to a bass guitars sound.
7.) High - this is the high frequency control. It is active and set to boost or cut frequencies at 10KHz.
This will effect the high frequency signals. Turning it fully clockwise, the signal is boosted 12 db. Turning
it counterclockwise, the highs will be rolled off -12db. This will add or subtract the high end attack of
slapping style sounds or pick attack and clarity.
8.) Headphone Jack - this is a 1/4 3 conductor jack for plugging headphones. It will sum the signal
and put the sound in both ears, thereby creating a pseudo-stereo sound. Volume will be determined
by the volume control on the channel you are on. It will disconnect the internal speaker when plugged
in. This will allow quiet practicing.
9.) Jewel Light - this jewel light lets you know that the amplifier is on.
10.) Power - this switch turns on and off the AC power to the amp.
Back Panel - this is a 2 conductor 1/4 speaker output jack. This will disconnect the internal speaker
and allow an external speaker cabinet to be employed. Rating is 8 ohms.