Installation instructions – Kicker C15 User Manual

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Installation Instructions

The Comp subs are designed to be as universal as possible. Great performance

can be obtained when using them in sealed or vented boxes as well as on an

Infinite Baffle (freeair).

Infinite Baffle Mounting

The infinite baffle or freeair mounting method is very effective in a sedan type

of vehicle. The easiest way to do this is to cut out the parcel shelf just big

enough for your chosen driver(s). The parcel shelf is usually not very strong and

any flexing will decrease the bass response. To reinforce this area and to give you

something to mount the woofer(s) to, a piece of strong wood needs to be cut

and mounted to the bottom of the shelf. We recommend a medium to high

density fiberboard (MDF or HDF) 3/4" thick. Common particle board is not very

good for use in a car stereo. If a good grade of fiberboard is not available in your

area, use a good grade of marine plywood.

The key factor in utilizing the freeair method is to make sure the information

coming off the back of the woofer doesn't have a chance to mix with the infor-

mation coming off the front. If the front and back are not sealed from each

other a big part of the bass will get cancelled out.