2 air-cooled generators – Kohler Generator Sets 20--2800 kW User Manual
Page 24

TP-5700 7/93
Section 4 Air Requirements
In many installations it may be desirable to install
louvers in the inlet and outlet openings. Louvers may be
either stationary or movable. In areas of great
temperature variation, it is often best to install movable
louvers that can be thermostatically adjusted to regulate
air flow and room temperature. See Figure 4-3 and
Figure 4-4.
If the set is to be installed in an atmosphere highly
contaminated with impurities such as dust, chaff, etc., it
may be necessary to install a filter in the inlet opening.
Furnace-type filters have been very satisfactory. Again,
a certain amount of air flow is lost that must be
compensated for by increasing the size of the opening.
The following are minimum air inlet and outlet
1. If louvers are used, the size of the opening should
be increased approximately 50%.
2. If window screening is used, the opening should
be increased approximately 80%.
3. If furnace filters are used, the opening should be
increased 120%.
4.2 Air-Cooled Generators
Air-cooled generator sets are available with three basic
types of air cooling systems that are discussed
separately on the following pages.
For air-cooled
models 4 kW and smaller, size the air inlet and outlet
openings at least 1 square foot (0.092 m
). For larger
sets determine inlet and outlet size on the basis of 0.25
square feet (0.023 m
) for each 1000 watts of capacity.
A 5000-watt set, for example, requires inlets and outlets
of 1.25 square feet (0.115 m
) each:
0.25 cu. ft. x 5 kW = 1.25 cu. ft.
(0.023 m
x 5 kW = 0.115 m
Air requirements are listed in each model’s specification
sheet. Remember to increase the size of openings for
louvers, screens, filters, etc. as described earler in this
Figure 4-3
Stationary Louvers for Air Inlet
Figure 4-4
Movable Louvers For Air Inlet