Naming preset banks, Saving/recalling music information – Kenwood SIRIUS DT-7000S User Manual

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the presets. Each time you change a preset its number will appear on the

display and the stream will play.

Option 2: Press the ENTER button. The

Preset List Screen will

appear on the display, listing

all of the stream presets

that have been programmed

in all 4 banks (right)
• Use the CH./PRESET jog dial

(front panel) or CH Buttons

(remote) to scroll through

the list. When the desired

stream is highlighted on the

display, press the ENTER button to select it.

Naming preset banks

You can personalize the four banks of

stream presets by assigning a name

(up to 6 characters) to each one.

For example, you can set up different

preset banks for family members

(‘Dad’, ‘Billy’, etc.), or assign a

particular type of music to each one

(‘Mellow’, ‘Party’, etc.).
Note: Although you can use the

corresponding buttons on the unit to

name the banks, it is simpler to use

the remote.
1. Press the SETUP button to enter the

Setup Mode.

2. Press the CAT buttons until the Bank

Name Input screen appears (top, right).

3. Press the CH button once. The Bank

Select screen will appear (second,

right). Use the 4 arrow buttons to

highlight the bank you want to name.

4. Press the ENTER button. The Bank

Naming screen will appear (above). Press the DELETE button multiple times to delete

all the letters of the existing name. (Note: There is no DELETE button on the unit.)

5. Press a number button multiple

times to select the letters you want

(right). When the letter you want is

highlighted, press the ENTER button.

The letter will appear in the name.

• To add spaces, press the SPACE

button. (Note: There is no SPACE

button on the unit.)

• If you make a mistake, use the CH

buttons to move the cursor to the left

of the letter you want to delete, and

press the DELETE button.

6. Repeat Step 5 to complete the name

(top, right).

7. Press the ENTER button to save your

choice (second, right).

Press the SETUP button twice to exit

the Setup Mode.

Saving/recalling music information

Saving music information

You can store the name of the current-

ly-playing song and artist (and compos-

er, if the data is available) into memory

for recall later.
Press the MEMO button to save the

data. The Data Saved screen will

display the following message for a few seconds (above):
• You can save data for up to 24 songs. Once all 24 places have been filled, any new

artist/song data you save will replace the oldest data.

• If the song has already been stored in memory, the display will read “Already Stored”.

Recalling music information

1. Hold the MEMO button for more

than 1 second. The Song Memory

List screen will appear (right):

2. Use the CH./PRESET jog dial or CH

buttons to scroll through the list.

Press the MEMO button to exit.

Activating Song Seek

You can have the DT-7000S auto-matically prompt you when any of the songs saved on

the Song Memory List is playing on any

1. Activate the Song Memory List

screen (see previous section).

2. Use the CH./PRESET jog dial or CH

buttons to scroll through the list of

saved songs until the one you want is highlighted.

3. Press and release the ENTER button. An “S” will appear next to the song’s name (above).
Press the MEMO button to exit.

Preset List Screen

Song Memory List Screen

Song Seek Icon

Data Saved Screen

DT-7000S Instruction Manual


Bank Name Input Screen

Bank Select Screen

Bank Naming Screen

Selecting letters

Completed name

Saved name