Synth, Cabi/eq, Cabinet – KORG D4 User Manual
Page 76

This models a chromatic guitar synth.
1. OSC TYPE ...................... [1...16]: Selects the oscillator type.
1: Sawtooth wave
2 octaves down
2: Sawtooth wave
1 octave down
3: Sine wave
1 octave down
4: Sawtooth wave
5: Sine wave
6: Sawtooth wave
1 octave up
7: Sine wave
1 octave up
8: Sine wave
2 octaves up
Oscillators 9–16 are the same as 0–7 but with portamento applied.
2. VCF ...................[0...10.0]: Sensitivity of the Voltage Controlled Filter.
0...4.7: Sensitivity in the positive (+) direction.
5.0...10.0: Sensitivity in the negative (-) direction.
Set this to 5.0 if you’re using a sine wave oscillator.
3. DIRECT LEVEL0...10.0: Adjusts the volume of the guitar.
4. SYNTH LEVEL... 0...10.0: Adjusts the volume of the synth.
5. THRESHOLD .......[1...10]: Adjusts the sensitivity at which the synth
will play relative to the volume of the guitar.
You’ll need to adjust these settings appropriately for your
guitar and pickup. A guitar synth works correctly when you
play single notes on your guitar. You won’t get the correct
effect if you play chords. Unexpected results may occur if
your instrument is not tuned correctly. If this occurs, please
tune your instrument.
BLK 2X10 (BLACK2x10)
Although we did not model the amp that goes exactly
with this cabinet, we loved the tone of this mid-60s Fuller-
ton, California made open backed 2x10" ceramic magnet
(of US origin) 35 Watt combo. So here it is. Great for blues,
jazz and country. As with all cabinet models it can be
mixed and matched with any amp model to produce
some interesting tonal combinations. But for some recom-
mended uses, please see the following charts.
BLK 2X12 (BLACK2x12)
As you’ve probably guessed by now, this speaker system
accompanied the amp that was modelled for the BLACK 2x12
amp. Featuring two 12" Ceramic magnet speakers, again
made in USA in the mid ’60s. They are 8 Ohm units wired in
parallel for a 4 Ohm total load. These speakers have been fea-
tured on countless recordings of many styles of music, but
very predominantly Country and Blues based Rock.
TWD 1X12 (TWEED1x12)
This speaker is the other half of our Tweed 1x12 Amp
model. As the name suggests it is a single 12" speaker,
uses an Alnico magnet and made in the USA by one of the
US’s revered names in vintage loudspeakers.
TWD 4X10 (TWEED4x10)
Keeping with the US made Alnico magnet speakers, this
cabinet partnered our TWEED 4x10 modelled amp. It is an