User’s manual – Kraus USA Kralin Wireless Access Point 54MB Single Port Cod. KR.XJ User Manual

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User’s Manual

• Disable Security - The wireless security function can be enabled or

disabled. If disabled, the wireless stations will be able to connect

to the AP without encryption. It is strongly recommended that you

choose one of following options to enable security.

• WEP - Select 802.11 WEP security.

• Type - You can select one of following types:

1) Automatic - Select Shared Key or Open System authentication

type automatically based on the wireless station’s capability

and request.

2) Shared Key - Select 802.11 Shared Key authentication.
3) Open System - Select 802.11 Open System authentication.

• WEP Key Format - You can select ASCII or Hexadecimal format.

ASCII Format stands for any combination of keyboard characters

in the specified length. Hexadecimal format stands for any combi-

nation of hexadecimal digits (0-9, a-f, A-F) in the specified length.

• WEP Key settings - Select which of the four keys will be used and

enter the matching WEP key information for your network in the

selected key radio button. These values must be identical on all

wireless stations in your network.

• Key Type - You can select the WEP key length (64-bit, or 128-bit,

or 152-bit.) for encryption. “Disabled” means this WEP key entry is

1) For 64-bit encryption - You can enter 10 hexadecimal digits

(any combination of 0-9, a-f, A-F, zero key is not permitted) or

5 ASCII characters.

2) For 128-bit encryption - You can enter 26 hexadecimal digits

(any combination of 0-9, a-f, A-F, zero key is not permitted) or

13 ASCII characters.

3) For 152-bit encryption - You can enter 32 hexadecimal digits

(any combination of 0-9, a-f, A-F, zero key is not permitted) or

16 ASCII characters.

Note: If you do not set the key, the wireless security function is still

disabled even if you have selected Shared Key as Authentication


• WPA/WPA2 - Select WPA/WPA2 based on RADIUS Server.

• Version - You can select one of following versions,

1) Automatic - Select WPA or WPA2 automatically based on the

wireless station’s capability and request.

2) WPA - Wi-Fi Protected Access.
3) WPA2 - WPA version 2.

• Encryption - You can select either Automatic, or TKIP or AES.
• RADIUS Server IP - Enter the IP address of the RADIUS Server.
• RADIUS Port - Enter the port that RADIUS service used.
• RADIUS Password - Enter the password for the RADIUS Server.

• WPA-PSK/ WPA2-PSK - Select WPA based on pre-shared pass-

• Version - You can select one of following versions,

1) Automatic - Select WPA-PSK or WPA2-PSK automatically based

on the wireless station’s capability and request.

2) WPA-PSK - Pre-shared key of WPA.
3) WPA2-PSK - Pre-shared key of WPA2.

• PSK Passphrase - You can enter a passphrase between 8 and 63

characters long.

• Group Key Update Period - Specifiy the group key update interval

in seconds. The value can be either 0 or at least 30. Enter 0 to dis-

able the update.

Be sure to click the Save button to save your settings on this page.

Note: The AP will reboot automatically after you click the Save button if

you have select the Reboot checkbox.

5.4.4 MAC Address Filtering

The Wireless MAC Address Filtering for wireless networks are set on this

page, figure 5-13:

Figure 5-13: Wireless MAC address Filtering

The Wireless MAC Address Filtering feature allows you to control wire-

less stations accessing the AP, which depend on the station’s MAC ad-


• MAC Address - The wireless station’s MAC address that you want to


• Description - A simple description of the wireless station.
• Privilege - Allow means allowing the station to access the AP. Deny

means denying the station to access the AP. 64-bit, or 128-bit, or

152-bit means assigning a unique WEP key to access the AP.

• WEP Key - Specify a unique WEP key (in Hexadecimal format) to ac-

cess the AP.

• Status - The status of this entry. Either Enabled or Disabled.

To disable the Wireless MAC Address Filters feature, keep the default

setting, Disable.

To set up an entry, click Enable, and follow the instructions:

First, you must decide whether the unspecified wireless stations can

access the AP. If you desire that the unspecified wireless stations can

access the AP, please select Allow the stations not specified by any ena-

bled entries in the list to access, otherwise, select Deny the stations not

specified by any enabled entries in the list to access.

To Add a Wireless MAC Address filtering entry, click the Add New… but-

ton. The “Add or Modify Wireless MAC Address Filtering entry” page will

appear, shown in figure 5-14:

Figure 5-14: Add or Modify Wireless MAC Address Filtering entry

To add or modify a MAC Address Filtering entry, follow these instruc-


1. Enter the appropriate MAC Address into the MAC Address field. The

format of the MAC Address is XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX (X is any hexa-

decimal digit). For example: 00-0A-EB-B0-00-0B.