Check the docking flap has been opened – Kodak DX4330 User Manual

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Aberdeenshire Council ASPECTS Training
Education & Recreation Kodak DX4330 Digital Camera D32
G Bruce, 2003

11. Now that I have taken my pictures, how do I get them
into the computer?

With the DX4330, this is very simple indeed!

Sit the camera on its docking station, taking care to ensure that the
docking flap under the camera has had its door opened. The pictures
below show the flap open and closed.

Check the
docking flap
has been

The camera should sit in snugly. Be careful that
you don’t trap the carrying strap or the cord
holding the lens cap.

With the computer switched on, and power on to the docking station
(green lights on) press the ‘Kodak’ button on the docking station.

Usually this starts the software on the computer automatically, but if this
function has been disabled by the person who installed the software, you
can start it normally from the ‘Start Menu’ on the computer.

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