Kodak DX4330 User Manual

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Aberdeenshire Council ASPECTS Training
Education & Recreation Kodak DX4330 Digital Camera D32
G Bruce, 2003

5. Look through the viewfinder and ‘frame’ your subject.

The viewfinder is very small on the
DX4330 – you need to get your
eye close up and exactly in line.

6. Check the camera is ready for taking photos.

You will notice a little light on just to the right of the viewfinder. It is
there to warn you if the light level is too low or if the camera hasn’t
finished storing the previous picture. It’s pretty much like traffic lights –
steady green means ‘go ahead’, flashing green means ‘wait a second’, red
means ‘don’t even think about it!’

Assuming you have a steady green light…….get the picture in your
sights exactly as you want it. At this point, you might want to try using
the zoom lens to make it appear ‘closer’ or further away. To do this, keep
looking through the viewfinder and move the zoom control with your
thumb (you’ll see what effect it has as you look through the viewfinder.)

This little button makes the camera
zoom in and out. Try it!

When you are satisfied with what you see, squeeze the shutter button
verrrrrrrry gently (!) – about halfway down. You will hear a ‘purring
sound’. This is the camera setting the focus and exposure.

Now squeeze even more firmly and the picture will be taken. (The camera
‘beeps’.) Remember – no ‘beep’ – no photo! Push harder next time!

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