Keys Fitness ET835D User Manual
Page 11

Monitoring Your Heart Rate
To obtain the greatest cardiovascular benefits from your exer-
cise workout, it is important to work within your target heart rate
zone. The American Heart Association (AHA) defines this target
as 60%-75% percent of your maximum heart rate.
Your maximum heart rate may be roughly calculated by
subtracting your age from 220. Your maximum heart rate and aer-
obic capacity naturally decreases as you age. This may vary from
one person to another, but use this number to find your approxi-
mate effective target zone.For example, the maximum heart rate
for an average 40 year-old is 180 bpm. The target heart rate zone
is 60%-75% of 180 or 108-135 bpm. See Fitness Safety on
page 20.
Before beginning your workout, check your normal resting
heart rate. Place your fingers lightly against your neck, or against
your wrist over the main artery. After finding your pulse, count
the number of beats in 10 seconds. Multiply the number of beats
by six to determine your pulse rate per minute. We recommend
taking your heart rate at these times; at rest, after warming up,
during your workout and two minutes into your cool down, to
accurately track your progress as it relates to better fitness.
During your first several months of exercising, the AHA
recommends aiming for the lower part of the target heart rate
zone- 60%, then gradually progressing up to 75%.
According to the AHA, exercising above 75% of your maxi-
mum heart rate may be too strenuous unless you are in top physi-
cal condition. Exercising below 60% of your maximum will result
in minimal cardiovascular conditioning.
DISTANCE Count Up – Calculates total miles up to 99.9
Count Down – Counts down from the preset
miles entered to 0.0
The monitor will display your current heart rate
within 5 seconds after holding the heart rate sen-
sors. For an accurate heart rate reading, you must
use both hands on the heart rate sensors.
To set the countdown function for Time, Calories, or Distance:
Press the Mode key until the correct screen has been chosen.
Press the Set key until the desired reading appears in the window
you are setting.
If the countdown mode is set for the Time, Calories, or Distance
before your workout begins, then the console will alert you when
you have reached your goal with an audible beeping. To turn off
the alert, simply depress the Mode key. After the countdown
mode has reached your selected goal, it will then begin counting
upward. This will allow you to continue to track your workout if
you decide to keep exercising.
To set the high and low heart rate range:
Press the Mode key until the up or down arrow in the Pulse
window has been chosen. Press the Set key until the desired
reading appears in the Pulse window.
1. Without signal for a period of 4 minutes, the LCD display will
automatically shut off. All information will be stored and
appear again once activity is returned.
2. Turn on the monitor by pressing any button or by
beginning exercise.
835 Display Instructions