K2 Bike S User Manual
Page 14

Preload is the amount of load placed on a spring to increase the spring rate in the initial part of the travel. All of our shocks feature adjustable
preload. Preload is used to achieve the proper amount of suspension sag for your bike or fork. Remember: You must first start with
the proper spring rate in order to get the correct amount of sag.
Preload is governed by a few guidelines:
All springs should be preloaded at least 1-2mm in order to hold the spring in place firmly.
The correct amount of preload can only be achieved with the proper suggested spring rate. See the spring
rate charts to find the correct spring for your weight.
Never increase the preload on a spring past 5 full turns of the preload adjuster. If you have tightened the
preload adjuster over five full turns and are still getting too much sag, move up to the next spring rate.
Spring Preload Adjustment
Tighten preload adjuster until the spring is held firmly (1 - 2mm) and measure the distance between the preload
adjuster and the bottom containment washer.
Position the bicycle beside a wall and get on. Place your fingers lightly on the wall to steady yourself, and put your
feet on the pedals and sit on the seat. Have a friend re-measure the new distance between these two points.
Subtract the seated measurement from the unseated measurement to find the amount of sag. Refer to
the Suspension Sag chart for the proper amount of sag for your bike or fork.
If the bike compresses under the rider more than recommended, tighten the preload a bit at a time and re-
measure the compression until you hit the right amount. If the bike is compressing less than recom-
mended, loosen the preload to get the right amount of sag.
If the preload is at full loose and the bike still won’t compress enough, you probably need softer springs.
If you have preloaded the spring more than five full turns, try stiffer springs.
D a m p i n g
Damping is the action of controlling shock shaft speed. The rate at which a spring compresses and extends can be controlled by a number of ways.
Our Noleen Shocks use hydraulics to control the motion of our shocks. There are two types of damping: rebound and compression.
The first type of damping that effects shock performance is rebound damping. Rebound damping controls the rate at which the spring extends
back to its optimum sag length. If the spring extends too quickly, the suspension will exhibit a “bouncy” or “overly lively” feel. Too much rebound
damping will cause the shock to feel ”dead“ or “unresponsive”. The chart below provides guidelines to adjusting your shock damping.
The second type of damping is compression damping. Compression damping assists the spring to control the rate of shock compression.
Adjusting the compression damping will make the shock feel essentially harder or softer. Compression damping becomes more important as
suspension travel increases and as shock shaft speed increases. Refer to the chart below to see when more or less compression damping is
Rider Variables
Rebound Damping
Compression Damping
Lighter Riders
need less
need less
Heavier Riders
need more
need more
Aggressive Riders
need more
need more
Recreational riders
need less
need less
many small bumps
need less
need less
big hits and bumps
need more
need more
Cross Country riding
need less
need less
Downhill riding
need more
need more
The damping action that a rider is looking for is a controlled suspension action. This controlled feeling may vary according to rider preference,
terrain, and may other factors. Experimenting with different levels of damping helps a rider "dial in" their preferred level of suspension
damping. With shocks that have adjustable damping, like the Noleen NR-2 and NR-4, riders should try riding with the damping dials at the full off
position and the full on position. The desired adjustment will probably fall somewhere in between, ending up closer to the full on position.
Noleen shocks can also be ”revalved“ or ”customized“ to suit a particular rider's needs. This work should only be completed Noleen or by another
authorized Noleen Service Center. Do not attempt to work on the internals of any shock.
Measuring Optimum
Suspension Sag
Setting Spring Preload
Adjusting Damping