K2 Bike S User Manual
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Wheel, Crank, and Headset Bearings: Once a year you should have your dealer inspect, lubricate, and adjust your
bike. If you ride many miles, or frequently ride in off road or muddy conditions, have your bike checked more often.
The brakes on your new K2 Bike should have been completely adjusted by your dealer when new. Due to cable stretch and pad wear during use,
the brakes should be adjusted periodically. Don’t wait until the hand levers bottom out on the handlebars. It is safest to take your bike to an
Authorized K2 Bike dealer for brake adjustment. Your authorized dealer has the training, experience, and proper tools to do the job.
The following instructions are provided for the owners having sufficient knowledge and proper tools to do the job.
Loosen the barrel adjusting locknut and turn the adjuster counter clockwise until the brake pads are approximately
1.5 mm from the rim surface. Then tighten the adjusting barrel locknut to keep the adjuster in place.
If the adjuster is unscrewed all the way and you still have more than 1.5 mm of pad-to-rim clearance, turn the
adjusting barrel clockwise all the way back into the holder. Loosen the cable anchor nut and hold the brake pads
against the rim. Pull the cable through the anchor nut with pliers and retighten the cable anchor nut.
Loosen the brake pad fixing bolt and adjust the pad toe in so that the rear of the pad is spaced 3 mm from the rim
surface while the front of the pad has 1 mm of rim clearance. Retighten the pad fixing bolt
Some bicycles are provided with an adjustment for lever reach. By turning the lever adjustment screw clockwise, the levers can be adjusted closer
to the handlebars for riders with smaller hands. Barrel adjusters are also provided to compensate for cable stretch. As the brake pads wear, the hand
lever will get closer and closer to the bar before applying the brakes. Turn the barrel adjuster counter clockwise to compensate. When you have
achieved the correct cable tension, tighten the barrel adjuster lock nut with your thumb and forefinger.
CAUTION: If your brakes are not working properly, do not ride your bicycle. If you are at all unsure of how to
adjust your brakes, Girvin strongly recommends that you take your bike to an authorized K2 Bike dealer for
service. Improperly adjusted brakes can be extremely dangerous, and can result in failure during use and
severe injuries.
Drive System
It may be necessary to adjust shifters to compensate for cable stretch. We suggest that all adjustments be made by your K2 Bike Dealer or other
qualified technician. There are small adjustments, however, that can be made by the consumer to improve the shifting of your bicycle. The
following easy steps show you how to make small adjustments to your bicycle’s shifting system.
Shift your bicycle into the smallest cog in the back (hardest gear) and into the middle chainring in the front.
Shift into the next bigger cog in the back gears with the shifter and, while holding the rear wheel off the ground,
pedal the bicycle.
If the bike does not shift into the next gear, or hesitates and makes a lot of noise, you will need to tighten the gear
cable. Move to step #4. If the chain moves up to the next gear without hesitation, your gears are fine.
When looking at the back of the bicycle, you will see a barrel adjuster on the back of the rear derailleur. To tighten the
gear cable, turn the barrel adjuster counterclockwise 1/4 turn. Do not turn the adjuster more than 1/4 turn.
Repeat Steps #1 through #4 until the bike shifts well. If this adjustment doesn’t solve the problem, take your bike to
an authorized dealer for service.
Wheels and Tires
Other than proper inflation, your wheels and tires need occasional maintenance. Inspect the wheel for straightness and for any dents or cracks in
the rim. In addition:
Check wheels and spokes for tightness each week. If any spokes are not tight or tend to rattle, you should have the
spokes tensioned and the wheel aligned at your dealer.
If you notice looseness when you move the wheel from side to side, have the wheel bearings adjusted by your dealer.
Clean the braking surface on the sides of the rims regularly to ensure good brake performance.
Check your tire pressure before every ride. Maintain pressure at the recommended level printed on the tire side wall.
Brake Lever
Drive System