Cleaning tips, Rinsing, Detergents and general operating techniques – Shark HP-5030D User Manual

Page 9: Pressure w asher

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97-61 • rev. 5/07








WARNING: Some detergents
may be harmful if inhaled or
ingested, causing severe nau-
sea, fainting or poisoning. The
harmful elements may cause
property damage or severe

STeP 1: use detergent designed
specifically for pressure washers.
Household detergents could dam-
age the pump. prepare detergent
solution as required by the manu-
facturer. Fill a container with pres-
sure washer detergent. place the
filter end of detergent suction tube
into the detergent container.
STeP 2: With the motor running,
pull trigger to operate machine.
liquid detergent is drawn into the
machine and mixed with water.
apply detergent to work area.
do not allow detergent to dry on

IMPORTANT: You must flush the detergent injec-
tion system after each use by placing the suction
tube into a bucket of clean water, then run the pres-
sure washer in low pressure for 1-2 minutes.

CleaNiNg TiPS

pre-rinse cleaning surface with fresh water. place de-
tergent suction tube directly into cleaning solution and
apply to surface at low pressure (for best results, limit
your work area to sections approximately 6 feet square
and always apply detergent from bottom to top). allow
detergent to remain on surface 1- minutes. do not
allow detergent to dry on surface. if surface appears
to be drying, simply wet down surface with fresh water.
if needed, use brush to remove stubborn dirt. rinse at
high pressure from top to bottom in an even sweeping
motion keeping the spray nozzle approximately 1 foot
from cleaning surface. use overlapping strokes as you
clean and rinse any surface. For best surface cleaning
action spray at a slight angle.


• Before cleaning any surface, an inconspicuous

area should be cleaned to test spray pattern and

distance for maximum cleaning results.

• if painted surfaces are peeling or chipping,

use extreme caution as pressure washer may

remove the loose paint from the surface.

• Keep the spray nozzle a safe distance from the

surface you plan to clean. High pressure wash

a small area, then check the surface for dam-

age. if no damage is found, continue to pressure

CAUTION - Never use:

• Bleach, chlorine and other corrosive chemi-


• liquids containing solvents (i.e., paint thinner,

gasoline, oils)

• trisodium phosphate products

• ammonia products

• acid-based products

these chemicals will harm the machine and will dam-
age the surface being cleaned.


it will take a few seconds for the detergent to clear.
apply safety latch to spray gun. remove black soap
nozzle from the quick coupler. select and install the
desired high pressure nozzle.

NoTe: You can also stop

detergent from flowing by simply removing detergent
siphon tube from bottle.


deTeRgeNTS aNd geNeRal oPeRaTiNg TeCHNiqUeS