Preview – Snom VoIP Phone User Manual
Page 40

Call Register
It should not matter if some of the entries already exist in the phone
book. They will not be duplicated if both name and number are exactly
the same respectively. If the number field is the same but the name is
not, the file entries will replace the old ones (just like editing the old
entry to save a different name). If the name is the same but the
number is not, a new file entry will be made.
You will first receive a
A preview feature is available while importing files for the phone book.
One way to do this is to use a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file. A
CSV file has entries separated by a comma (and without spaces
between the comma and the preceding and following entry). It can look
like this:
The first line represents the header, which shouldn’t be imported, that is
why the option “without header” has to be selected in this case.
Selecting a CSV or Unicode TAB-separated file is possible through the
web interface, as shown in the following: