SATO CL408e/412e User Manual
Page 3

What do I receive when I buy a SATO CL408e/412e Printer? ....... 1
What options are available with my CL408e/412e? ....................... 1
Do I receive a driver with my CL408e/412e? ................................. 1
What type of software do I need for my printer? ............................ 1
Which languages does my SATO printer support? ........................ 1
Which interfaces can I use? ........................................................... 1
Can I work from my Windows ™ environment? ............................. 2
Can I work from my SAP™ environment? ..................................... 2
Can I work from AS400™? ............................................................ 2
Can I print graphics? ...................................................................... 2
Can I store label formats or True-Type
fonts and graphics in
the CL408e/412e? ......................................................................... 2
of my goods? ................................................................................. 2
What is the correct carbon ribbon for the SATO CL408e/412e? .... 2
How often should I clean my SATO CL408e/412e? ....................... 3
What is a memory card? ................................................................ 3
Why do I need a memory card? ..................................................... 3
Can memory cards be used with the CL408e/412e? ..................... 3
How do I put information on to the memory card? ......................... 3
What is FLASH ROM? ................................................................... 3
2. Set-up and Use .............................................................................. 4
How do I connect my printer to my computer? .............................. 4
How do I set up my printer? ........................................................... 4
How do I load the labels? .............................................................. 4
How do I load the carbon ribbon? .................................................. 4
How do I select the label sensing method? ................................... 4
How do I change the darkness setting? ......................................... 5
How do I change the print speed? ................................................. 5
Does the CL408e/412e have a last label reprint feature? ............. 5
How do I feed a blank label? ......................................................... 5
How do I cancel my print job? ........................................................ 5