Key to callouts – Soundstream Technologies HRU. 2 User Manual
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1. +12V -
Connected to a fuse or circuit breaker, then to the battery’s positive terminal.
2. GND -
Main ground connection. Bolt to a clean chassis point in the vehicle.
Remote turn - on input from the head unit. Accepts +12V.
4. Speaker connection Terminal -
Speaker connections for satellite CH1 & 2.
5. Speaker connection Terminal -
Speaker connections for satellite CH3 & 4.
6. Hawkins Bass Control “Boost” Adjustment -
Varies from 0 to + 9dB of boost
when the Hawkins Bass Control circuit is engaged.
7. Subsonic/Hawkins Bass Control Adjustment -
Frequency adjustment control for the
Hawkins Bass Control filter or the Subsonic filter.
8. Low Pass Filter Control Adjustment -
Frequency adjustment control for the
Low Pass Filter, 40 - 160Hz.
9. High Pass Filter Control Adjustment -
Frequency adjustment control for the
High Pass Filter, 50 - 500Hz or 500 - 5kHz for CH1 & 2.
10. High Pass Filter Control Adjustment -
Frequency adjustment control for the
High Pass Filter, 50 - 500Hz for CH3 & 4.
11. Input Levels -
Input level control variable from 300mV to 5V.
12. RCA Inputs -
1 & 2 channel RCA inputs.
13. BALANCED Signal Input Connector -
Channels 1 & 2 ; 6-pin Balanced signal input
connector for use with the Soundstream BLT Balanced Line Transmitter.
14. RCA Inputs -
3 & 4 channel RCA inputs.
15. BALANCED Signal Input Connector -
Channels 3 & 4 ; 6-pin Balanced signal input
connector for use with the Soundstream BLT Balanced Line Transmitter.
16. Line Out -
Line level RCA output to drive an external amplifier.
17. Power LED -
Indicates amplifier power.
18.Phase Switch -
Adjusts the speaker phase to either 0 or 180 degrees.
19. ST/MO(2)/LP Switch -
“MONO” for bridge mono operation with a single input signal
(Channel 2 only). “SUM” for bridged mono operation summing two input signals (1CH and
2CH). "ST" for normal stereo operation.
20. ST/MO(3)/LP Switch -
“MONO” for bridge mono operation with a single input signal
(Channel 4 only). “SUM” for bridged mono operation summing two input signals (3CH and
4CH). "ST" for normal stereo operation.
21. Subsonic/Hawkins Bass Control Switch -
Selectable subwoofer enhancement circuit.
Select “SUBSONIC” to engage the Subsonic filter with no boost. Use the knob indicated
by callout #7 to set the frequency: 13- 30Hz. Select “Hawkins Bass Control” to engage the
Subsonic filter with available boost. Use the knob indicated by callout #7 to set the
frequency: 30Hz to 70Hz. In Hawkins Bass Control Mode, there is a tracking Subsonic
filter to protect woofers.
22. High Pass X-OVER Switch -
(Channels 1 & 2) Select “IN” for use with the internal crossover
or “OUT” for use with external crossover.
23. Frequency Range Selection Switch -
Switching to “LO” selects the 50 - 500Hz range.
Switching to “HI” selects the 500 - 5kHz range.
24. High Pass X-OVER Switch -
(Channels 3 & 4) Select “IN” for use with the internal crossover
or “OUT” for use with external crossover.
25. CH3&4 Fill De-emphasis Switch -
(Channels 3 & 4) Select “IN” to activate 6dB/Octave
filter @ 8kHz.
26. Channel 3&4 Input Mode -
“FULL 3-4” requires 4 signal inputs. “FULL 1-2” uses the same
signal from 1-2 for 3-4. “1-2 TRACKING LP” sends a lowpass signal to 3-4 derived from the
highpass sent to 1-2 via #9.
27. Line Output Switch -
Select “FULL 1-2” for full range signal output.
Select “1-2 TRACKING LP” for a lowpass signal at the frequency for highpass at #8.
Select “3-4 LP Sum” for a summed signal of channels 3-4 (mono bass output signal).
28. Channel Balanced / Unbalanced Input Selector Switch -
Select “BALANCED” to use the
6-pin Balanced signal input. Select “UNBALANCED” to use the RCA signal inputs.
29. Input Overload Indicators -
Indicates the signal input level or input gain level is too high.