Stanley Black & Decker KEYPAD EZ LOCKS User Manual

Page 4

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E L E C t r O n i C

HZ –

mOrtiSE funCtiOnS

Latch w/o

key override

Deadbolt w/o

key override

Deadbolt w/

key override

Latch w/key


Internal motor drive mechanism operated
by electronic signal, when pre sent ing
valid token. Green light in di cates valid
access. Red light and sound er in di cate
invalid access attempt.

HZ – MorTisE fuNcTioNs

Latchbolt operated by lever either side,except
when outside lever is locked by internal motor

drive mechanism; latchbolt is re tract ed by key
outside. Deadbolt operated by key outside
and turn lever inside. When deadbolt is

extended, turning inside le ver or electronically
unlocked out side lever re tracts both deadbolt

and latchbolt simultaneously. Auxiliary latch
dead locks latchbolt.

Internal motor drive mechanism

op er at ed by electronic signal when
presenting valid token. Green light
indicates valid ac cess. Red light and

sounder in di cate invalid access
attempt. Elec tron ic sensor recognizes
whether dead bolt is retracted or

thrown. Lock grants access only to
deadbolt-authorized per son nel when
deadbolt is thrown.

Latchbolt operated by lever either side, except
when outside lever is locked by internal motor

drive mech a nism. Deadbolt operated by turn
knob inside. When deadbolt is extended,
turning inside lever or elec tron i cal ly unlocked

outside lever retracts both deadbolt and
latchbolt simultaneously. Auxiliary latch
dead locks latchbolt.



Latchbolt operated by lever ei ther side, except
when outside lever is locked by internal motor
drive mech a nism. Auxiliary latch deadlocks the
latch bolt.



Latchbolt operated by lever ei ther side,except
when outside lever is locked by internal motor
drive mech a nism; latchbolt is retracted by key
outside. Auxiliary latch deadlocks the latch bolt.

Diagram Function

Mechanical Electronic


HZ – lEVErs/KNob

HZ –


#14 lever

#16 lever

#17 lever

#3 lever

#12 lever

#4 knob

#15 lever