Ruger 77/50 User Manual
Page 28

Firing deposits particles of bullet lubricant and powder in the bore, chamber,
bolt, receiver, and other parts of the rifle. There is no fixed rule as to how
frequently the cleaning should be carried out, but the alert gun owner soon
learns that any firearm functions most reliably and accurately when it is free of
accumulations of grease and other firing residues.
Basic cleaning equipment includes: A correct size cleaning rod equipped with
bore brushes (fiber and brass) and a tip in which a cloth patch can be inserted,
patches, powder solvent, lubricant, small lint-free cloths and a toothbrush. Use
correct size patches and brushes. Larger sizes will bind in the bore and can be
very difficult to remove!
Timely attention to the simple procedures which follow will help ensure that
your rifle remains in top condition for years of use:
Be sure rifle is unloaded!
Remove bolt from receiver. (See p. 20)
It is not necessary to remove the stock
for cleaning, but removal may help
prevent damage to the stock from the
breech plug wrench handle, etc.
Removal also makes it easier to clean
the trigger and safety mechanism.
Disassemble bolt according to
instructions on pp. 23 & 24. Then,
place bolt components (except for
mainspring which should not be gotten
wet) in pan filled with very hot water
and soap solution to soak.
Unscrew and remove breech plug from
inside receiver. It may be necessary to
tap the breech plug wrench handle
with a soft mallet to loosen the breech
plug, especially after repeated firing.
Screw in cleaning tube to prevent
cleaning solution from entering receiver and stock of rifle.
(See Figure 26)
With muzzle pointed down so that water cannot enter the trigger
mechanism, flush the barrel with warm water, until water runs clear
from the muzzle. A cleaning patch wetted with hot, soapy water or an
ammonia-based window cleaner will also work.
Using a bristle or brass brush wetted with soap and water solution,
thoroughly scrub bore to remove all traces of fouling. Then, flush bore
again with very hot water. Do not permit water to enter the trigger
mechanism. Remove cleaning tube and carefully scrub receiver breech
plug threads clean. Clean the trigger mechanism thoroughly with a
brush wetted with a commercial black powder solvent. Dry bore and
receiver assembly thoroughly with clean cloth and set aside.