Sony PCLink User Manual
Page 16

Fix: The symptom occurs where large branded computer
manufacturers ship their systems with a cutdown OEM version of
Windows that does not always include all the USB audio
components. Because this is specific to each manufacturer, you will
need to contact the one who built your system and ask them to send
you a USB audio upgrade to bring your version of Windows up to the
same standard as the retail version. The PCLink does not need any
special device drivers, using only the following generic Windows
ones that are usually stared in the listed directions for each USB
C:\win\inf\usb.inf – driver location for USB Composite Device
C:\win\inf\hiddev.inf – driver location for USB Human Interface
C:\win\inf\wdma_usb.inf – driver location for USB Audio Device
Even though these drivers may be present on your system, if the
OEM version of Windows you are running does not contain all the
underlying USB audio components, you will not be able to select
USB Audio Device as the preferred playback device in the
Multimedia Window. You will need to contact the supplier of your
system to obtain an upgrade patch that brings your entire USB audio
system up to the minimum specification of the retail version of
3 My PCLink fails to set itself as preferred audio device
Problem: When you plug in the PCLink, it is not automatically being
configured as preferred audio device.