Stanton SCS.3M User Manual
Page 68

APPENDIX Traktor LE MIDI Interface Configuration
Click the Preferences button (located in the top right corner of the program) and then click MIDI
Setup. Figure A.5
Figure A.5
On this page, you will see MIDI input and output devices. Your MIDI device will show up differently
depending on what operating system you are using. If you are using a single SCS.3m MIDI controller,
it would be identified like this…
Operating System
SCS.3m Identified as…
In Windows XP
USB Audio Device [Emulated]
In Windows Vista®
SCS.3m [Emulated]
If you are using the SCS.3m along with one or more SCS.3d's and our DaRouter software, instead of
selecting each piece of hardware individually, you simply select the SCS.3 DaRouter interface instead.
Operating System
SCS.3 DaRouter Identified as…
In Windows XP
To/From SCS.3 DaRouter [Emulated]
In Windows Vista
To/From SCS.3 DaRouter [Emulated]
SCS.3 DaRouter
In either case, you would select the appropriate interface by double clicking next to it in the Active
column. Clicking once will highlight the row yellow, and the second click should put an “X” in the Active
column, indicating that the highlighted interface is now active. Be sure that only one interface is active
in both the Input and Output Devices areas. So, if you had a single SCS.3m connected to a computer
running Windows XP, then in the Input and Output areas the ONLY thing highlighted and active would
be “USB Audio Device [Emulated]” (like in the picture above). Once you have selected the correct
input and output interface, click Close in the bottom right corner of the Preferences window, and
verify that your MIDI device is now working properly.