Samsung BN68-01538M-00 User Manual

Page 3

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ConneCtIng anD PreParIng Your tV

List of Parts ........................................................ 2

Installing the Stand ............................................. 2

Installing the Wall Mount Kit ............................... 2

Viewing the Control Panel .................................. 3

Viewing the Connection Panel ........................... 4

Viewing the Remote Control ............................... 6

Installing Batteries in the Remote Control .......... 7

Switching On and Off ......................................... 7

Placing Your Television in Standby Mode........... 7

Viewing the Menus ............................................. 8

Using the TOOLS Button .................................... 8

Plug & Play ......................................................... 9

SettIng the ChannelS

Storing Channels Automatically ....................... 10

Storing Channels Manually ...............................11

Adding / Locking Channels .............................. 12

Sorting the Stored Channels ............................ 13

Assigning Channels Names ............................. 13

Fine Tuning Channel Reception ....................... 14

SettIng the PICture

Changing the Picture Standard ........................ 15

Adjusting the Custom Picture ........................... 16

Resetting the Picture Settings to the Factory

Defaults ............................................................ 17

Changing the Picture Options .......................... 18

Viewing the Picture In Picture (PIP) ................. 20

SettIng the SounD

Sound Features ................................................ 21

Selecting the Sound Mode ............................... 22

SettIng the tIme

Setting and Displaying the Current Time .......... 23

Setting the Sleep Timer .................................... 23

Switching the Television On and Off Automatically ... 24

FunCtIon DeSCrIPtIon

Choosing Your Language ................................. 24

Melody / Energy Saving .................................. 25

Selecting the Source ........................................ 26

Editing the Input Source Names ...................... 27

SettIng the PC

Setting up Your PC Software

(Based on Windows XP) .................................. 28

Display Modes .................................................. 28

Setting up the TV with your PC ........................ 29

reCommenDatIonS For uSe

Teletext Feature ............................................... 30

Using the Anti-Theft Kensington Lock

(depending on the model) ................................ 31

Troubleshooting: Before Contacting Service

Personnel ......................................................... 32

Technical and Environmental Specifications ... 33

english - 1






BN68-01538M-Eng.indd 1

2008-06-06 ¿АИД 4:12:33