Assignment management – Source Technologies Ohioedge CRM+BPM User Manual
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The creation of a new activity is validated against the selection criteria of its campaign to
ensure that the input (accounts, contacts, etc.) is accessible to the creator account manager
for example. Here is the technical definition of such relationship: creators have access to
campaigns; and campaigns specify input selection criteria. Figure 3 shows how to create a
campaign. As seen in the figure, a campaign uses an input factory to select the data
(company presidents for example) for which campaign is to run. Campaign is started from
Setup>Services. Ohioedge CRM+BPM Server organization administrator is responsible
for setting up input factories.
Assignment Management:
Lost sales due to poor follow up on leads is a major sales obstacle. The most effective and
profitable way to deal with this issue from a sales perspective is to do the following:
Route leads to the right sales rep automatically, eliminating delays and
Track the progress of leads through the sales pipeline in real time.
In Ohioedge CRM+BPM Server assignment of leads (tasks) to sales reps is done
automatically. This, in addition to the campaign management functionality that enables
accounts to be owned by account managers, facilitates multiple sales reps working under
an account manager to receive specific input (leads, etc.) assignments.
Ohioedge CRM+BPM Server comes with an outofthebox assignment logic of ‘simple
random assignment.’ Below is how the ‘simple random assignment’ logic works:
Let’s say there are two sales reps – A and B, available at the ‘Cold Call’ activity type. The
‘simple random assignment’ logic would assign the first unassigned activity at Cold Call to
sales rep A, the second to sales rep B, the third to sales rep A, so on and so forth. Figure 4
shows how activities are assigned to Sales Rep J. Todak automatically (see Gunton Corp
customer record in the figure.)