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rebuilt. Do not attempt to refill or refurbish the pulse damper
until you have a refurbishing kit. Instructions are furnished with
the kit.
5.5.3 Pulse Damper Installation
1. Position the pulse damper, aligning it with the four mounting holes in the
bottom of the cabinet. The pressure transducer should be pointed toward the
rear of the cabinet.
2. From the underside of the pump cabinet, tighten the four screws to hold the
pulse damper in place.
3. Connect the tubing from the pump head to the port at the rear of the pulse
damper (i.e., toward the rear of the cabinet). Connect the line from the
prime/purge valve to the other port, toward the front panel.
4. Connect the transducer’s wire harness connector to pressure board
connector P3.
5. Replace the cover on the pump.
Cleaning the Pump
1. Disconnect the column inlet tube from the column.
2. Direct the column inlet tube (the tube from the injector outlet) to a
waste beaker.
3. Set the flow rate to maximum.
4. Turn the injector to the INJECT position.
5. Pump 100% methanol or isopropanol through the pump and injector
for 3 minutes.
6. Pump 100% filtered, distilled water through the pump and injector for
3 minutes.
For stainless steel flow paths, proceed to Step 7; For PEEK ™ flow
paths, skip to step 10.
WARNING: Use standard laboratory procedures and
extreme care when handling strong acids and bases.
7. Pump a 20% nitric acid/water solution through the pump and injector
for 3 minutes.
8. Flush the pump and injector with 100% filtered, distilled water for at
least 3 minutes.
9. Pump 100% isopropanol through the pump and injector for 3 minutes.
The pump is now prepared for any mobile phase or short- or long-term