Sony Ericsson DFP-D3000 User Manual
Page 6

Play a B&W pink noise loop and set the slit loss EQ frequency
for L and R.
Repeat 5.4, 5.5, and 5.6 for the second projector of a
changeover installation. ....................................................................... 5-4
Align the B-Chain. ...................................................................................... 6-1
Connect your laptop to the Decoder’s RS232 port with
a null-modem serial cable, launch the Setup Software,
and “connect” the Software to the Decoder. .................................... 6-1
Open the Master DFP-3000 screen and set the Master
Volume to 0.0 dB and set the -20 dBFS output level
reference to -10 dBu. ....................................................................... 6-1
Zero out the Software on the main screen, link Mutes to
Selects, and bring up the Test Signal screen. ................................... 6-1
Select pink noise; select All On; use PC function keys
to select output channels. ................................................................. 6-2
Check that noise is coming from the selected non-sub
channel at about 85 dB SPL, or 82 dB for the L and R
surround speakers. ........................................................................... 6-3
Use your RTA and each non-sub channel’s graphic EQ
to dial in the X-curve for each speaker except the subwoofer. ........ 6-3
Adjust each screen speaker to exactly 85 dB SPL and the
surrounds to 82 dB SPL. .................................................................. 6-3
Set the subwoofer channel’s parametric EQ for
smooth response ; set each preset’s subwoofer low pass filter
to 100 Hz or lower except SDDS, which should be higher. ............ 6-4
Referring to your RTA, set the level of the analog subwoofer
so that its bands are about the same level as the center
speaker’s bands in its flat response region. ...................................... 6-4
6.10 Again referring to your RTA, set the level of the digital (SDDS)
subwoofer bands to 10 dB higher than the flat bands of the center
speaker. ............................................................................................ 6-5
6.11 Set the surround channel delay for each appropriate Preset. ........... 6-6
6.12 Set AUX inputs’ subwoofer levels to +10 dB, if other digital
systems are installed. ....................................................................... 6-6
6.13 Adjust the sync between optical tracks and SDDS. ......................... 6-7
6.14 Configure your presets for names, output matrix, and fallback. ...... 6-7
6.15 Match levels between presets using the trims; set bypass levels;
set HI levels. .................................................................................. 6-10
Perform an overall systems checkout and listening test. ............................ 7-1
Refer to the Troubleshooting section for help with problems
you encounter. ............................................................................................. 8-1
Appendix with connector pinout charts. .................................................... 9-1