Sony Ericsson DFP-D3000 User Manual
Page 28

The following parameters are stored in the DFP-D3000 for each Preset:
Preset name (up to 12 user-entered characters)
Input signal type (microphone, non-sync, PEC, AUX, or SDDS)
Speaker output matrix (1 of 16 available matrix options)
Fallback presets (for presets with AUX or SDDS input formats)
Preset trim (fader offset for each Preset)
EQ On/Off switch
Surround delay On/Off switch
Surround delay
Sub-woofer low pass filter frequency
Fade in time (same for all non-sync presets)
To change these parameters, access the Preset Configuration screen from the Preset Configuration option
under the Presets item in the main screen menu bar.
To re-configure a Preset, select the candidate Preset from the list of preset configurations in the Preset
Selection area of the screen. After selecting the Preset, the various fields in the Preset Configuration area
will change to reflect its current configuration. If the selected Preset is a fallback assignment for other Presets
(in the event their digital data becomes unavailable), such Presets will be highlighted in red in the Preset
Selection area. If a change is made to the selected Preset which renders it invalid as a fallback for one of its
highlighted Presets, the setup software will display a warning and attempt to select another valid Preset to
replace the one you have modified. A list of changes will be displayed when the modified Preset’s new
configuration is sent to the DFP-D3000 Decoder. If you are using firmware v3.0 or later, check with Sony to
see if changes have been made to functions available from the Preset Configuration screen.
The Preset Name edit box is used to change the name of a preset configuration. Alternate Preset names
are entirely up to the user, but cannot exceed 12 characters in length. The Setup Software automatically
formats the name to center it in the DFP-D3000 front panel LCD display. To change the input signal type,
click on the Preset Input edit box and select the signal type from a list that pops up. Sony suggests that
you maintain the default selections.