Introduction, Operating safety – Sound Performance Lab 9523 User Manual
Page 4

The recording industry has gone through some dramatic
changes in the past years. The home recording market produces
professional results with modest investments. Mainly inexpensive
mixing consoles with lots of channels and 8-bus-option are being
used. High class filtering and microphone preamplification are
not incorporated in these systems. The “direct to DAT” recording
philosophy has created another growing market. Sampling and
direct cutting through quality mic preamps has become popular.
The M
is the ideal choice for both recording situations. It is
the cost-effective entry into high performance preamplification
and ideally suited to partner your favorite mic in getting the best
possible performance on tape. It improves the sonic quality of
small mixing consoles with two channels of superior preampli-
fiaction and it is the ideal tool for “direct to DAT” applications.
The M
is a dual channel microphone preamplifer with
excellent noise and CCMR specs. It has a large input headroom
(+26,5 dB), which makes limiting a less important issue.
Microphone and line level signals can be preamplified up to
+72 dB. Activating the padding switch attenuates the preamplifier
stage by -35 dB. The superior phantom power supply for
condensor microphones is also ideal for old tube microphones
which need a very stable and clean +48 V phantom powering. The
Phase Reverse switch is used to change the polarity of the micro-
phone. PPM-meters displaying output values between -18 dB and
+9 dB are also incorporated. The input and output stages can
optionally be equipped with beyerdynamic transformers.
The housing of the M
has the standard 19" EIA format and
occupies 1 unit (1 U = 44 mm) in your rack. When installing the
unit in a 19" rack, the rear side of the unit needs some support,
especially in a touring case. The M
should not be installed
near units which produce strong magnetic fields or extreme heat.
Do not install the M
directly above or below power ampli-
fiers or digital processors. If possible, the M
should be
placed in an »analog rack« where the majority of (or all) the
equipment installed is analog. This eliminates problems which
could result from interfering high-frequency signals such as clock
frequencies, MIDI or SMPTE control signals.
Check that the voltage details quoted on the back panel are the
same as your local mains electricity supply. Use a minus (-)
screwdriver to set the voltage selector to the voltage for the area
in which the unit will be used.
Never cover up the ventilation slots on the top of the unit. If,
during operation, the sound is interrupted or indicators no longer
illuminate, or if abnormal odor or smoke is detected, or if water is
spilled on the unit, immediately disconnect the power cord plug
and contact your dealer or an authorized service center.
Only clean your M
with a soft, lint-free cloth. Use only
standard cleaning agents. Never use alcohol or paint thinner,
because they may damage the finish.
Important security advices
Operating Safety