10 training instructions – Smooth Fitness SMOOTH CE 07858-699 User Manual
Page 9

very soon be exceeded. Start with a low performance adjustment
and approach your optimal training pulse gradually. Regularly
check during cross training as to whether you still train within your
intensity range according to the above recommendations.
Amount of strain
A beginner will increase the amount of strain of his/her training
only gradually. The first training units should be relatively short
and be organised in intervals. Sports physicians regard the follo-
wing strain factors as being positive for fitness:
Beginners should not start with training units of 30-60 minutes. Du-
ring the first 4 weeks, a beginner training could be organised as
Prior to and after every training unit, 5 minutes of gymnastics
should warm up or cool down your body. Between two training
units there should be one day without training, if you prefer the
training of 20-30 minutes 3 times a week later on. Otherwise, the-
re is nothing to be said against an everyday training with the
Cross-Trainer of 10 minutes.
Training frequency
Extent of training session
3 times a week
2 minutes of training
Break of 1 minute for physical exercises
2 minutes of training
Break of 1 minute for physical exercises
2 minutes of training
3 times a week
3 minutes of training
Break of 1 minute for physical exercises
3 minutes of training
Break of 1 minute for physical exercises
2 minutes of training
3 times a week
4 minutes of training
Break of 1 minute for physical exercises
4 minutes of training
Break of 1 minute for physical exercises
3 minutes of training
3 times a week
5 minutes of training
Break of 1 minute for physical exercises
4 minutes of training
Break of 1 minute for physical exercises
4 minutes of training
4th week
3rd week
2nd week
1st week
10 min
2-3 times weekly
20-30 min
1-2 times weekly
30-60 min
10 Training instructions
Cross training is a very effective training for the whole body strai-
ning all large muscle groups and simultaneously training the car-
diovascular system in an ideal manner and supporting the fat me-
tabolism. The innovative elliptical motion of the stepping surfaces
strengthens the leg and gluteal muscles particularly joint friendly.
The upper body training coupled with leg training particularly
trains arm, shoulder, chest and back muscles.
Before starting to train you should read the following information
Important note:
Before taking up training with the cross trainer, have your family
doctor check that you are fit for this kind of fitness training. The
medical report should be the basis for building up your training
The above and the following training information are only recom-
mended for persons with a healthy cardiovascular system.
Training information
Training with the cross trainer has to follow the principles of sta-
mina training. Stamina training predominantly causes changes
and adjustments at the cardiovascular system. These include a re-
duction of the resting pulse rate and of the exercise pulse. This gi-
ves the heart more time for filling the ventricles of the heart and
for supplying the cardiac musculature with blood (through coro-
nary vessels). Furthermore, depth of respiration and volume of air
that can be inhaled (vital capacity) increase. Further positive chan-
ges take place in metabolic system. In order to achieve these po-
sitive changes, your training has to be planned according to cer-
tain principles.
Planning and control of your cross training
Basis for training planning is your current physical capacity. With
an exercise test your family doctor can assess your personal ca-
pacity which will for the basis for your training planning. If you
have no exercise test performed, high training strains and/or
overloading are to be avoided by all means. The following prin-
ciple should be taken into account for planning: Stamina training
is controlled both over the volume of strain and over the intensity
of strain.
Intensity of strain
The intensity of strain during cross training is preferably controlled
through the pulse frequency of your heart. The max. heart fre-
quency per minute - 220 minus age - must not be exceeded. The
optimal training pulse is determined by age and training target
(also refer to 4.4.3 Pulse zones/training targets.
Training target: Fat consumption/weight reduction
The optimal pulse frequency is calculated according to the rule of
thumb (220 - age) x 0.65.
Note: Fat consumption for energy supply will only gain impor-
tance from a training duration of at least 30 minutes.
Training target: Cardiovascular fitness
The optimal pulse frequency is calculated according to the rule of
thumb (220 - age) x 0.75.
Moreover there is the possibility to manually determine the factors
in the range of 0.40 - 0.90.
The intensity of training with the cross trainer is set through the
performance regulation of 25 - 400 Watt with the +/- keys. As a
beginner you should avoid a training with a too high performan-
ce adjustment since the recommended pulse frequency range may