Solid State Logic AWS V4 User Manual

Page 41

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Set the terminal as follows: Baud rate 19200, 8 data bits, No parity, No start bit, 1 stop bit, Flow control Xon/Xoff

Press the ‘Return’ key () and the terminal window should echo a ‘>’ if communication is established. To fix the
IP address type the following:


setip nnn nnn nnn nnn where ‘nnn...’ is the IP address, e.g. ‘10 1 1 1 10’.

setmask nnn nnn nnn nnn where ‘nnn...’ is the subnet mask, e.g. ‘255 255 255 0’.

Note that this should match other devices local to the console.

setgate nnn nnn nnn nnn where ‘nnn...’ is the gateway address e.g. ‘10 1 1 1’